Friday, August 8, 2008

Jet lag is for wussies

So, we made it in yesterday (Thursday) around 6 pm, (that's 6 am for you Georgia folks) ate supper and crashed around 9:30 watching an extremely silly asian game show. The flight wasn't terrible...but it wasn't my favorite way to spend time either...I won't complain too much because I am so happy to be a part of this experience.

I honestly can not tell you how incredibly impressed with the staff at our hotel. I can't imagine having to answer questions and serve people that speak such a different language, but they are doing a great job. It really makes me stop and think about how big the world is and what a minute part of it that I am...

Today we woke up around 3:45 am and hung out until breakfast at the hotel. Shortly there after, we ventured out to go get Opening Ceremony tickets and have come to the Bank of America Hometown Hopefuls center that they have set up for athletes' families. They have food out and an internet cafe for us to use.

It's incredibly hot and humid here...but we're having a great time so far. Hopefully, I will be able to post some photos tomorrow of the ceremonies.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Ryan's picture was on the front page of the sports section of USA Today yesterday!We are doing some things with the Olympics with the kids at school next week.I'm going to show them his picture so my students can root for him too!Thank you SO much for the updates! It's exciting! Glad you made it safely

Mary Nell Garner said...

Glad yall are there safely! Have so much fun and take tons of pics! Go Eric, War damn Eagle! Love you!